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January 26, 2012
Governor Scott Walker Gets Decent Numbers In Advance of Recall Election
CAC writes in an email, regarding Walker's head-to-head numbers with a variety of potential Democratic rivals:
Scott Walker (R-inc) 50%
Tom Barrett (D) 44%
Scott Walker (R-inc) 49%
Kathleen Falk (D) 42%
Scott Walker (R-inc) 49%
David Obey (D) 43%
Scott Walker (R-inc) 50%
Tom Cullen (D) 40%
Of these Obey isn't likely to run himself though he hasn't ruled it out. Numbers from Marquette U- PPP was showing a trend in favor of Walker last year ending with a final WI 2011 poll giving Walker a narrow edge, that apparently has expanded significantly.
They also polled Obama-Romney and found Romney trailed Obama by 8. Mind you in January 2008 McCain who lost the state by 11 was leading Obama, also Wisconsin was a very close loss (and polled so) in both 2000 and 2004 for the GOP.
Walker seems more and more likely to survive the effort by unions to out him.
The article on the poll is here.
Brian writes to contrast Walker's approval numbers (51-46) with Gray Davis' (20-70). Gray Davis lost that recall, of course, but look at those numbers.
Walker's numbers seem to be improving. Let's hope they improve further.