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January 23, 2012
Update on Senator Kirk: Large Section of Skull Removed; Will Face Permanent Physical Impairment
But not necessarily any cerebral impairment.
Major Correction: I meant large section of his skull removed, not his brain. I'm sorry. Total glitch. And that, presumably, has been replaced.
Neurosurgeons at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago said parts of Kirk's brain are permanently damaged. "The prospects for his full physical recovery, particularly on the left side of his body, are not great," said Dr. Richard Fessler, a neurosurgeon at Northwestern Memorial. The stroke may also result in "some facial paralysis," he said. Fessler said Kirk may recover use of his left leg but "I think the use of his left arm is going to be very difficult. Fessler said that that Kirk's "prospects for a full mental recovery are pretty good."
A four-by-eight inch section of skull was removed for the surgery.