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January 19, 2012
Oh My: Rasmussen Finds Obama's Approval Rating At 38%, 31% with Independents
Wait, Did I Say Rasmussen? I Meant The New York Times
I have only seen Weasel Zipper's link as I write this, and I do not know -- at this moment-- what the NYT headline is.
However, I know they have a pattern. When there is good poll news for Democrats, they put that in the headline.
When the major finding is bad for Democrats, they look for very minor things to put in the headline, like "Most Want Campaign Finance Rules Tightened." They deliberately miss their own story in order to cocoon their liberal readers, who are apparently feeble children who must be sheltered from all adversity.
And now, that said, I'm checking the headline to see if I'm right.
Okay, they didn't do it this time. Their headline is understated -- Poll Shows Obama's Vulnerability With Swing Voters -- but at least they are concentrating on one of the key findings.