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January 19, 2012
BREAKING: Rick Perry Dropping Out Reports Say He'll Endorse Newt UPDATE: Perry To Campaign For Newt Too
Formal announcement is scheduled for 11am.
All I'll say for now is, he should have been The One. It just didn't happen for him. I'm sure they'll be a lot more written on that in coming days.
Oh by the way, Rick Santorum, not Mitt Romney, won Iowa.
I hope the Iowa GOP at least sends Santorum a nice sweater-vest that says, "I'm Rick Santorum and I won the 2012 GOP Iowa Caucus".
Why do we let them go first again?
Added: I think the biggest benefit to Newt is that Perry's endorsement will help bury the ABC rehashed ex-wife story.
Update: Interesting news from Erick Erickson.
I�m told reliably that Governor Perry will head up a 10th Amendment project for Speaker Gingrich to rally Governors and state legislators toward a plan of devolving power from Washington. This project will include helping shape the Republican platform for the general election, something small government conservatives have been concerned about.
Nice idea and good policy might come from it. Also, Texas is winner take all with almost 150 delegates.

posted by DrewM. at
09:30 AM
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