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January 16, 2012
Pictures from Saipan, 1944
The article says they're rare. New to me anyway. Photographs taken by Life magazine photographer W. Eugene Smith of Americans in action on the island of Saipan in June and July of 1944.
The photographs were taken during a battle that claimed the lives of 22,000 Japanese civilians - many by suicide - and nearly all 30,000 Japanese troops on the island. Of the 71,000 American troops who landed on Saipan, 3,426 perished, while more than 13,000 were wounded.
The battle was a turning point for the American battle against Japan's forces. The Japanese situation became so desperate that commanders pleaded with civilians to 'pick up their spears' and join the fight.
via Kevlarchick
update: commenter EBL adds some thoughts.

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:12 AM
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