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December 28, 2011
Is This Something?
A guy complained to a company about not getting an update on the delivery time of his new videogame controller. The CEO of the company* got dickish about it, and then started acting like... well, like a nerd without any social sense, who just had an intense need to Win An Internet Argument, forgetting that he sort of had a company's consumer relations to keep in mind, too.
* Correction: He wasn't the CEO of the actual company manufacturing the controller, but CEO of a company hired by the manufacturer to do PR and customer service. This seems to be a bad hire.
Then the guy forwarded to email chain to the nerds at Penny Arcade, who have a lot of sway in nerdworld, and who run an expo called PAX. The CEO didn't seem to believe he was now talking with the head of PAX, and kept insulting him in nerd-like ways.
Anyway, eventually the CEO realized he was F***in' With The Wrong Nerd and then went suddenly from Internet Tough-Guy to a "Hey Let's Be Friends" P***yboy, begging forgiveness.
But it was too late.
The whole chain, for the completists out there (overlap of "nerds" and "completists" approaches 100%) is at Penny Arcade.
Thansk to Dave @ Garfield Ridge.