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December 28, 2011
Top Headline Comments 12-28-11
G'morning. To get you started:
Here's a primer on the Iowa caucus system. We're gonna be talking about it all next week; might as well brush up on the methods and madness of Iowa's archaic primary system.
BTW, I'm starting to hope for a Paul win in Iowa; it would almost certainly mean that the state would finally be stripped of its first-in-the-nation status. Yeah, I know. Somebody has to go first. I get that. Iowa doesn't seem like that great a great choice anymore. Let somebody else get pandered to every four years. It might do us good to send the bloated state political apparatus to the chopping block. You like to throw around the word "establishment?" That's an establishment, guys.
Several of the candidates did another pro-life forum yesterday. Gingrich said he'd write personhood legislation to exclude judicial review. Perry said he'd ignore an adverse Supreme Court decision on a personhood law. Santorum said if the court struck down personhood legislation, "you do what you do in every case when the court strikes it down: You fight." I'm not sure what that means. Bachmann didn't get to answer that question. Paul didn't go.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:52 AM
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