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December 22, 2011
Afternoon Open Thread
"Enough Is Enough!:" Obama Stands Around With Some Americans Who Tells Sob Stories About Horrible Republicans
Stuff's coming.
I was just watching this, "Nostalgia Chick," a female Harry Plinkett type reviewer. I feel about her like I have never felt about any woman before: That she's funny.
No just kidding but it's rare enough that the joke flies. That's why I grabbed Laura, of course.
via @petitdov
Oh, less funny but more ridiculous, Obama's talking at us again on TV.
The good thing is that he looks haggard, so all of the hours he's spending doing nothing are really weighing on him.
Obama once again plays the card he loves: That Republicans have agreed to this before, so there is no possible reason they should balk now. Except for... that reason, is the implication.
Okay. Obama has not only agreed entitlement reform was necessary, but actively campaigned upon the promise to reform it; so what's the hold-up, Jack?