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December 15, 2011
Mayor Of New Haven, Connecticut Caught In A Refreshing Moment Of Honesty
It is a wonderful moment when a liberal feels comfortable enough to say out loud what's on his mind. To drop the pretense and finally admit that Democrats must cheat and dilute the influence of (disenfranchise) legal voters to remain in power.
We all know what has been going on all along; now he just wants to make it official.
New Haven Mayor John DeStefano plans to ask the state Legislature to allow illegal immigrants who live in the city to be able vote in municipal elections.
DeStefano said on Tuesday that the proposal would build a more engaged community and follows the lead of other cities, the New Haven Independent reports.
The Independent reports that New Haven has about 10,000 non-citizen immigrants.
Immigrants who are in the U.S. legally or illegally and cannot vote now would still be unable to vote in state or federal elections.
DeStefano, a Democrat, said illegal immigrants pay taxes indirectly through rent and send their kids to New Haven schools and should be able to vote.
Krakatoa quips "Hmm. I have a house I rent out. I had no idea that if I didn't have tenants, I wouldn't have to pay taxes on that property."
Only the Good Lord knows how anybody manages to pay their property taxes without the assistance of all that sweet, sweet cash that illegal immigrants are constantly dropping on us like manna from heaven.
'Spanish-speaking deficit-slayers,' is our colloquialism for these heavy tippers.
When illegal immigrants move into your town en masse, in a thrice your municipal and state treasuries will be choked and overflowing with foreign gold!
Happens everywhere it has been tried. I won't provide any cites. Just trust me.
DeStefano's request is being recognized locally as a disgusting power-grab, of course.
Thanks to Krakatoa.

posted by Laura. at
08:29 PM
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