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"The Rick Perry I Know" »
December 14, 2011
Ron Paul: I Don't Know If I Have The Stamina For A Long Primary Fight, So I Hope It Ends Quickly
In related news, presidential terms remain four years long.
“I’m not looking forward to anything being long and protracted. So I hope it ends rather quickly and we do real well in the beginning of the year,” Paul said while campaigning in New Hampshire, according to CNN. “The organization is fantastic. The question is: am I going to hold up if I keep doing all this.”
Swell. Let's nominate the guy who's really hoping to take care of business early, before Matlock.
Meanwhile (also thanks to Allah) Phillip Klein has advice for those promoting Paul for tactical reasons: Don't.
While claiming the US should be neutral in the Israel/Invented People conflict, Paul himself is anything but:
But the reality is that on numerous occasions, Paul has crossed the line from merely saying America should stay out of all conflicts, to actively attacking Israel and taking the Palestinians' side -- even when the non-interventionists should theoretically remain silent.
Nearly three years ago, Israel launched a counterattack on Palestinian terrorists in Gaza who had been firing thousands of rockets at Israeli civilians. In early January 2009, Paul released a web video in which he charged that Israel was launching a "pre-emptive war," that Palestinians were living in a "concentration camp" and that they merely had "a few small missiles."
He then repeated this claim on Press TV -- the state-owned propaganda channel of Iran's Islamist government. "To me, I look at it like a concentration camp, and people are making homemade bombs," he said of the situation in Gaza, adding sarcastically, "like they're they aggressors?"
It's absurd for people to promote Paul for tactical reasons. Although it occurred to me that a Paul win could effectively nullify the entire Iowa caucus -- Caucus Cancelled For Lack of Seriousness -- and that could give my boy Perry a chance to campaign more for South Carolina, it's ludicrous to promote someone whose views are antithetical to your own.
What happens if people really decide Paul is a good protest candidate? Or that they can "change his mind about Israel" once he's in office?
Then what?