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December 10, 2011
Andrew Breitbart Resigns From GOProud Advisory Board Over Outing of Perry Pollster
They outed (or purported to out, at least) a Perry pollster who actually didn't like that "Strong" ad. And called him a "faggot" on Twitter.
I'm tired of Stalinists and blackmailers, personally But if GOProud's sick of "faggots," that's their deal.
Breitbart's resigned from their advisory board.
It is with sincere regret that I announce I must step down as a GOProud advisory member. On numerous occasions I have spoken with Jimmy LaSalvia and Chris Barron of the significant impact the practice of “outing” had in my evolution from the political left to the right. I was under the absolute impression that both agreed. I have a zero tolerance attitude toward the intentional infliction of vocational and family harm by divulging the details of an individual’s sexual orientation as a weapon of political destruction. As an “Advisory Board member” I was not consulted on this extreme and punitive act. Clearly, there are more productive means to debate controversial ideas and settle conflicts. Therefore, I cannot in good conscience stand with GOProud. I still stand by gay conservatives who boldly and in the face of much criticism from many fronts fight for limited government, lower taxes, a strong national defense as well as the other core conservative principles.