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December 08, 2011
"You Can't Evict an Idea"
...according to one of the Occupy Boston "leaders", quoted in this Boston Herald article.
He's right. Ideas have no physical manifestation, so there's nothing to "evict".
The smelly Marxist hippie-wannabe over-educated "Conflict Resolution" and "Transgendered Samoan Studies" majors who make up the bulk of the Occupy movement? Definitely not "ideas", hence they are "evictable".
How ironic is it that the places where the Occupy Movement is grating the hardest on local governments are all Blue State Hellholes?
New York? Boston? Oakland? Not exactly the prefered habitat of your typical "bitter clinger", eh? Yet these are fast becoming the new cultural Stalingrads. Funny how that works.

posted by Russ from Winterset at
08:20 AM
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