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December 05, 2011
Newt Dissed Trump as "Manipulating the Game" in 1989
Slate is promoting this as a potentially awkward quote for the upcoming debate.
[Q]uotas send exactly the wrong signal to poor people. It says that they are going to get justice through political action and that justice is going to redress the past. That is simply, historically, not true. It's not the way the world works. The more power there is in a political system, the more the powerful exploit it. New York hasn't ended up a dream world for the poor. It has become a place where Donald Trump manipulates the game.
Pretty cogent point, awkwardness aside. Is New York a dream world for the poor? How about San Francisco?
How about DC? How about Detroit?
And a damned fine point that the more powerful a government is, the more justifications it has to favor and disfavor citizens and transfer wealth and rights between them, the more the powerful actually gain.
Because, let's face it: Warren Buffet is always going to get his phone calls answered, isn't he?
For those poor people who think Charles Schumer is their White Knight: Try calling him on the phone. See if you get through.
You know who gets through every single time? The big bankers he actually serves as Senator to.