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December 01, 2011
Gingrich Camp Responds to Verum Serum Story
They break stories over there.
Gingrich says the difference between Fannie/Freddie Gingirch and today's Gingrich is the collapse itself, which has caused him to rethink the viability of the government-sponsored entity model, at least as regards mortgages and home-ownership promotion.
Which is all well and good but so what? Everyone can say that. Everyone now knows this. (Except Democrats, but they can't permit themselves to know it.)
It’s perfectly understandable that one would have a different view after the crisis.
Sure, John, but it doesn't explain the soft-thinking prior to the collapse.
Sexton continues:
That said, it doesn’t quite line up with his recollection at the CNBC debate, i.e. that he warned Freddie Mac their business model was impossible and insane. That seems like a little bit of retro-projection based on hindsight. The actual record reflects that he was a paid consultant and a Fannie/Freddie defender in 2007.
Eh, I guess I'm butthurt that my guy's miserable failures seem to stick so firmly in people's heads while other guy's miserable failures get a shrug.
Earlier: Newt claimed in the CNBC interview that his involvement with Fannie/Freddie was confined to telling them how insane it was to promote mortgages for people who couldn't afford them.
For those who thought, "I really doubt someone would be paid $1.6 million for such advice," congrats, it seems they got a little more than some criticism.