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December 01, 2011
Romney Not Ready To Handle the Press?
This seems like an odd charge against someone who has been running for the White House job for six years now. Romney fans' big boast is that Mitt Romney is the "electable" candidate ready to take on the President and the Democratic media. But Romney can't even take utterly obvious questioning from Fox News' Bret Baier?
As bad as the original interview was, the Romney’s reaction simply confirms the perception that Romney will have trouble in a general election. If he can’t handle totally legitimate questions from Baier, and his team will not let him appear before the Center Seat panel, then how will he hold up when the media and Team Obama gang up on him?
Romney hasn't just been avoiding the Center Seat. When you get down to it, he's also been avoiding the Sunday morning shows. Now, when Palin tried the strategy of shutting out the legacy media, the Palinistas said it was a brilliant idea to not give the evil, liberal media a chance to take shots at her. She was seizing control of the narrative, the idea goes. Most other folks thought it demonstrated that she wasn't ready for a run. (To be totally fair, we now know that she wasn't running and her decision not to engage the media makes more sense.)
Romney, on the other hand, is definitely running. He's going to have to face the media at some point, right? So what's his excuse?

posted by Gabriel Malor at
09:42 AM
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