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November 30, 2011
Romney On FNC: You're Either Uninformed Or A Democrat If You Think I've Changed My Positions
He gets points for chutzpah.
Bair asked Romney about his changing positions on climate change, abortion, immigration, and gay rights, and asked him how the American people could trust him on the important issues.
"Your list is just not accurate," replied Romney to an visibly surprised Baier, "So, one, we're going to have to be better informed about my views on issues."
Baier pointed out video ads released by Romney's opponents attacking Romney as a flip-flopper.
"I'm glad to see that the Democrat ads are breaking through," Romney said cynically adding that most videos took "only snippets of his remarks, taking them out of context."
Video at the link.
Romney was also unable to explain how his position on immigration (which at one point included a path to citizenship) was tougher than Gingrich's which Romney labels "amnesty" even though it doesn't include a path to citizenship (though it does include the dumb "citizen board" idea).
After watching him last night in the one on one with Baier, I understand why Romney has refused to do the Center Seat segment on Special Report.
Video of the full interview is here.
BTW- I know you can say Newt has flipped on a number of issues as well. That's true and it's certainly a valid hit on him. But at least he doesn't insult your intelligence and motives by denying it.

posted by DrewM. at
12:34 PM
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