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November 30, 2011
Top Headline Comments 11-30-11
Some news items to get you started:
Police have mostly cleared out Occupy L.A. The city is officially "renovating" the park for the conceivable future. As of 30 minutes ago, there had been 104 arrests and 2 minor use-of-force incidents.
In the Senate, a bipartisan vote kills the progressives' attempt to strip a measure from the defense bill that will put most Al Qaeda terrorists in military custody. Obama bitterly opposes keeping Al Qaeda detainees in exclusive military custody and has vowed to veto the bill. Cloture vote is scheduled for today, with final passage predicted for tomorrow.
It will be telling if Obama goes through with a veto. As with his desire to close Gitmo, a majority of public is against him. He flinched on Gitmo. Complicating his decision now is that he risks further alienating his progressive base just as the election winds up. And if he truly is abandoning the white, middle class in favor of a coalition of the yuppified progressive elite and minority groups, he's going to have to throw them a bone every now and then. This explains his recent anti-prosperity Keystone XL decision.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
07:00 AM
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