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November 14, 2011
Gloria Allred Press Conference, Full Video
She said she had a witness but it turned out to be a hearsay witness-- Sharon Bialek's former boyfreind, Victor Zukerman, who says Bialek told him of the charges at the time the harassment is alleged to have taken place.
"She said something had happened and Mr. Cain had touched her in an inappropriate manner," Zukerman said at a news conference in Shreveport, La. "She said she had handled it and did not want to discuss it further."
He said that his ex-girlfriend "became livid as she heard Cain's denials," and that she was not surprised that other women had made harassment allegations against Cain "based on her experience" with the former Godfather's Pizza CEO during his time as head of the restaurant association.
Like Bialek, Zuckerman admitted that he had faced recent financial troubles including seeking bankruptcy protection for his medical practice but said he was not seeking any financial benefit in coming forward.
He also said he was the one who suggested that Bialek contact Gloria Allred,[.]
"If he hadn't denied it, we wouldn't be here today," Allred said. "He wants to end this, he should just come clean. We'll have to see what happens next."
He says he's also a registered Republican, who first met Cain in 1996, and denies being put up to this by a "rival campaign."
TRScoop uploaded the video of the conference, in case you want to watch.