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November 01, 2011
NFL Week 8 Pickem Results
Wanted to get this one in between "Peace through Invalid Assumptions" and the ONT, just for the pickerers. -dave
Think you had a bad day? At least you weren't in this Polish airliner landing with the (stuck) gear up.
Here's the weekly results, tabulated by CDR M and Ben.
F-22 Jocks
MuleTrain 2016: 70
scott: 67
Aristomenes from da 54301: 66
AnthonyL: 66
Country Blumkins: 66
Air Polski
DrewM: 61
Gabe: 59
rd brewer: 57
CDR M: 56
Ben: 56
Andy: 55
DiT: 52
Russ from Winterset: 52
Fighter pilots make movies. Bomber pilots make history.

posted by Dave In Texas at
08:48 PM
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