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October 31, 2011
Occupy Denver to Police: "Revolution is Inevitable. You're Asking For A Military Defeat, You F***ing Pigs"
Mainstream! Look at all these apolitical grandmothers!
John Sexton visited Occupy LA and has lots of pictures (scan down; two parts.)
He links this article, awesome in two ways. First the Occupiers, who the media will assure you are just concerned centrists, warmly greet and out and proud communist who threatens political violence:
Alex Callinicos, a professor of European Studies at Kings College in London, announced to his rapt audience, “I am a Marxist.’’
Asked if the upcoming revolution can be non-violent, he parroted the party line of the demonstrators, who call themselves the 99 percent of Americans lined up against the “1 percent’’ with power and money.
He said violence could be avoided only if the “1 percent accept the decisions of the 99 percent,’’ which he predicted would never happen.
Submit or Die-- it's the American way!
Nick Hommen, 29, a volunteer from Salem, Ore., who was handling donations, said some demonstrators were taking advantage of people’s generosity.
“We can’t afford to keep buying new tents. It’s ridiculous the sense of entitlement people feel,” Hommen said.
There continue to be frictions between the Real Victims of the Bankers -- that is, the occupiers, students who took out too many college loans and and acquired too few marketable skills -- and the posers, who are not really victims of the economic calamity, i.e., the homeless.
Cops are alleged to continue stoking the fires of this dispute.
Two different drunks I spoke with last week told me they’d been encouraged to “take it to Zuccotti” by officers who’d found them drinking in other parks, and members of the community affairs working group related several similar stories they’d heard while talking with intoxicated or aggressive new arrivals.
“He’s got a right to express himself, you’ve got a right to express yourself,” I heard three cops repeat in recent days, using nearly identical language, when asked to intervene with troublemakers inside the park, including a clearly disturbed man screaming and singing wildly at 3 a.m. for the second straight night.
“A lot of you people smell,” a waggish cop shot back later after an occupier asked if he might be able to help find more appropriate accommodations for a particularly pungent and out-of-sorts homeless man.
If this is going on, it's not necessarily a political tactic. The homeless typically violate rules about sleeping on benches and in parks, of course. When they become a problem, they're asked to move on, but of course they'll be back the following night.
The occupiers are doing the same thing -- oh I know, they claim it's for some higher purpose (a higher purpose than survival?), but it's the same thing. And they won't move on.
So, if you have a collection of scofflaws and squatters in one location, who won't move on -- and hence you have a police problem localized in a place that can't be resolved -- why not get all the nuisances to that one place? It's a stinkpit anyway.
Oh, and rapes are being "handled internally" by the Occupiers.
Who basically just hiss at the perpetrators and try to shame them away.
That'll work.