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October 30, 2011
Sunday Book Thread
Sorry for the tardy book thread today.
I'm afraid that today's book thread will be both late and lame: I've been terribly busy with work this past week, so I haven't had any time for recreational reading. In what few moments I've been able to spare, I've been working on my vast backlog of as-yet-unread books.
I did come across a thought-provoking article entitled "The Future of Books". I think it's obvious that what we mean when we say "book" is going to change a lot in the next decade or so -- it's already changed a lot. I don't necessarily agree with the future this article foresees (mostly because the future always plays out in ways that people don't expect), but it's food for thought.
I know these changes bother a lot of people, especially those (like me) who like the physical manifestation of a book: the feel of an actual paper book in the hand. But on balance I think that most of the changes I've seen so far are positive ones, particularly in the power the new publishing model brings to writers and readers both.