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And Then a Miracle Happened ... »
October 29, 2011
At 11:30AM Eastern: Gabriel Malor on WCRN 830, DaTechGuy's Radio Show
I was arguing on Twitter with DaTechGuy about the latest DOMA lawsuit against the DOD---married gay servicemembers are seeking the same spousal benefits for their same-sex spouses that the military provides for opposite-sex spouses of servicemembers---when he thought we should take our discussion to the airwaves this morning.
If you're in range of WCRN 830AM Worcester, MA, you can listen on the radio. Otherwise, you can get it streaming here (click Listen Live).
DaTechGuy's show is from 10AM-12PM Eastern. Today he's also got Jimmie Bise of the Sundries Shack talking about Herman Cain's campaign, Steve Eggleston of No Runny Eggs talking about Wisconsin recalls, and Bob Belvedere of the Camp of the Saints talking about the Occupiers and other news of the week.
I should be on around 11:30ish.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
09:23 AM
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