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October 25, 2011
Remember, Kids, They Call Him "The Actor Steven Weber" Not "The Professor Steven Weber:" Former Celebrity Answers The "Where Are They Now?" Question No One Was Really Asking
Steven Weber is a moron of the highest caliber. Formerly an actor turned adult writer of juvenalia, he has declared, if I remember right, that his trusty sixth-grade Words for Big Kids! thesaurus is his co-author in his screeds.
He really thinks that just sticking in random passive-vocabulary word-substitutions cribbed from a thesaurus is "good writing."
Anyway, this idiot, who, by the way, is in as many movies and tv shows as I am, is back, and dumb as ever.
The scale of Right Wing sociopolitical sabotage necessitates a Nuremberg-scale trial for all the corporate agents and treasonous capitalisto-fascist architects of our democracy's current and most pressing misery. From the blatant Republican doublespeak emanating from think-tank sponsored word doctors to the outright obstruction and lies expectorated by Republican congressional representatives and senators, the very concept of governance can only be considered once the culprits are removed. Driven to real madness by unadulterated greed they have embraced an ideology, the success of which hinges upon the very ruin of this nation.
I tried to find the article in which he confessed that he just opened up his thesaurus and went wild, and I actually wound up finding this old post of mine about him.
And then... well, like the headline was exactly like the one I just wrote, as well most of the points I was going to make.
So, just check this old post. I wrote a poem there in collaboration with Steven Weber, in which I used half his actual quotes from Huffington Post screeds, and half stuff I made up from Lord of the Rings and Iron Maiden songs, to make some kind of collaborative mindpoem.