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October 25, 2011
Joe Biden: "Don't Screw With Me" Or I'll Tell On You!
Last week, Jason Mattera of Human Events challenged Sheriff Joe on his claim that opposing Obama's second stimulus will lead to rape, murder and general mayhem.
Now Slow Joe has his revenge, his office went whining to the Senate's press association.
Joe Biden’s office has complained to the Senate press gallery about a confrontation the vice president had with a conservative journalist last week on Capitol Hill.
Biden aides asked whether Senate rules were broken in the wake of the contentious exchange between the vice president and the reporter.
Biden’s office has also contacted the standing committee of correspondents, which oversees the gallery, regarding whether Mattera broke the rules by ambushing him.
Heather Rothman, the chairwoman of the gallery’s standing committee, said the matter is under review.
Mattera defended his question by pointing out if he asked the question the way the MBM would have, Biden wouldn't have answered.
I don't know what the rules are in the area where Biden was or even exactly what Mattera said that was supposedly misleading but as always when the substance cuts against a liberal, the focus is on process.
And just how fallacious was Biden's original statement? Even the hacktastic "fact checker" at the Washington Post called if "absurd".
Related enough, via Jim Geraghty's "Morning Jolt"...did the White House punish the Washington Post for failing to toe the party line on Obama's mortgage plan?
Most thin skinned administration ever.

posted by DrewM. at
11:20 AM
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