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October 19, 2011
Reporter: It's Such a Shame This Learning-Disabled 19-Year-Old Girl Got Raped At Occupy Cleveland, Because That Will Really Do "Damage" To "All the Work" Being Done By The Occupiers
Really? That's the "big question"?
Verum Serum notes there's a lot of sexual assault going on at OWS.
In the video at Verum Serum, this jackass reporter, Tom Beres, prominently displays an Occupy Mutant stating his belief that no one -- no one! -- there was capable of rape, so obviously "someone brought her here" so she could cry rape.
Now that is of course always a possibility.
I don't seem to recall the media leaping to this possibility in other cases of alleged rape.
I don't remember the media being at all skeptical of Crystal Gayle Mangum, for example.
But here, we're very worried about the "damage" the "ugly" allegation could do the "work" Occupy is doing, so the She Got Bused In To Make a False Rape Charge Theory gets a full and fair hearing.
But the good news is... The Occupy movement finally got a black guy on camera! So that's something!