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October 18, 2011
Obama ♥ OWS: "We are on their side"
Yes, we know.
He also claims that OWS isn't much different than the Tea Party.
The president also compares the protesters to the Tea Party. “In some ways, they’re not that different from some of the protests that we saw coming from the Tea Party," Obama says. "Both on the left and the right, I think people feel separated from their government. They feel that their institutions aren’t looking out for them.”
As someone said, both groups don't like crony capitalism, but OWS wants to keep the cronyism and ditch the capitalism. The Tea Party, the opposite.
While Obama moves closer to the leftists at Zucotti Park, Democrats in Virginia move away from him.
President Obama arrives in the state Tuesday as part of three-day North Carolina and Virginia bus tour to talk about the economy, but it’s not clear how many Virginia Democrats will be with him.
As we reported today, Democratic state legislators are none too eager to support Obama, let alone be seen with him.
The state’s top Democrats will be not be around, either.
I've called this the President's Hail Mary play. He knows he will likely lose. Now, given that, what's the best play? Should he tack towards the center, which is supposedly the right play, except no one would believe it and furthermore it's doubtful he'd win that way, either?
Or gamble that he's about to catch some luck in the next quarter or two -- a single quarter of 4.5% growth would seriously change the thinking on this race -- and double down on what he really believes, which is European socialism?
I think the latter is the smarter play, from his perspective. The first strategy might keep it close, but he'd still lose. The second strategy could possibly result in a victory -- or a blowout loss. But if you're going to lose, might as well lose by a lot.
But while this might be the best-of-a-bad-lot for Obama, it's not a good play for the Democrats around him, who'll be sucked down when the Titanic finally goes under.
I previously noted that lefties were following Obama's lead in no longer hiding their socialism. This is a lay-your-cards-on-the-table election, I guess, and a lot of "center-liberals" are unmasking themselves at what we always suspected they were -- simply the latest communists and socialists lying about their actual agenda.
Jonah Goldberg's noticing that, too.
Here’s one useful tip: Whenever the substance of the Occupy Wall Street movement troubles Democratic politicians their response is to hide behind platitudes about free speech.
What he means is that when a Democrat is confronted with the socialism on parade here, Democrats will not address the substance of what OWS believes, merely their right to believe it. In this manner they avoid discussing their own nuanced views on socialism.
“It’s about their right to express themselves!” Well, no it’s not. Free speech is important, but it’s really not the issue. It certainly wasn’t even much of a concern when it was the Tea Party expressing itself — which it managed to do without inviting mass arrests. Back then, leading Democrats considered dissent racist or un-American. Now they celebrate free speech so they can hide from dealing with the issues at hand honestly. Democratic politicians think that this gives them cover. It doesn’t. It just shows that they’re afraid to disagree with the protesters either because they agree with them or because they know the protests are popular among their own supporters. Either way, it’s proof that the much ballyhooed wall between mainstream radicalism and mainstream liberalism is more like a speed bump.
It’s one thing to have suspicions. It’s another thing to have them confirmed. And for that, I’m grateful for Occupy Wall Street.
The Great Unmasking continues apace.