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Mort Zuckerman: Hey, This Obama Is Kind Of a SCOAMF, Isn't He? »
October 16, 2011
It's a healthy, if sometimes (ok oftentimes) an unpleasant thing.
Consider the difference between your average life-coddled "occupy" whatever ninny, with his or her apparent dental care, privileges of upbringing, friggin clothes and iPhones (THANKS MOM!), and education, and the American Soldier.
Kurt Schlichter already did this for us.
But the troops would not complain to the cameras even if there were any left in the war zones documenting their struggles. They aren't whiners. They may be the same general age as the Occupy Wall Street gang, but they occupy a very different, less frivolous world.
On a windy mountaintop in Kunar province, a tired 22-year-old infantryman on patrol rests and shares a swig of warm water with his buddy. In Manhattan, a 22-year-old from Scarsdale shares a bong-load of killer weed with a guy sporting dreadlocks and a Che T-shirt he got at Hot Topic.
It's kind of difficult for me to give a rat's ass about these incoherent ninnies who are occupying whatever, and down-twinkling, except to note that they are being pushed at us through the media, and the left, in order to advance the leftist agenda. So a little perspective doesn't hurt. Military service isn't for everyone. But working and supporting yourself, and your family if you have one, that kinda is for everyone. It's how life works.
Schlichter is a funny, caustic conservative. Also a lawyer. Also an officer in the United States Army. His favorite caliber is .45 (well hell, who doesn't love .45?)
via MissConservagal, who also asked me to remind you that Obama believes Martin Luther King Jr. would have backed the Occupy Wall Street movement.
I don't presume to know what King would or would not have supported, but Obama is taking care of all the presuming that needs to be presumed anyhow.
And another thing: John Adams put us some f'n knowledge, when he said,
"I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.
And idiotic sign-making.

posted by Dave In Texas at
02:31 PM
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