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October 13, 2011
Radical Solutions: SUV Set on Fire in Eugene, Oregon; Vehicle Also Spraypainted With Slogans Consistent With Occupy Porland
Ignore, ignore, ignore. Via Englewood.
OMG someone supposedly spat on a Congreessman. (Actually, according to the Congressman himself, it was merely a "say it don't spray it" altercation, but who cares? When the legend is more useful than the truth, print the legend.)
A couple of data that indicate the mindset of OWS:
First, basic necessities arrive via magic.
‘Someone gave us Spam,’ said Elliot Hartmann-Russell, 18, a volunteer who held up a can of the meat and stared at it while sorting through the donations. ‘I’m not going to eat it, but…’
Tom Hintze, 24, was volunteering in Zuccotti Park last week. ‘Just now there was a big UPS delivery,’ he said. ‘We don’t know where it comes from. It just appears, and we eat it.’
That's the world they want to live in. A world, incidentally, they already did live in, from ages 0-15, when they were, legally, children. When parents had the burden of providing for their little unproductive poop machines (as a commenter calls them).
Great deal! Except in this scenario someone has to be the parent.
I think this point has to be hammered: Providing for a family member is a burden. It is a burden most gladly undertake, because, burden or not, the filial bonds are strong enough to make it seem natural and rewarding.
This is perverted, however, when human beings are made to be surrogate parents/providers for dozens of strangers.
People don't want additional "extended family members" to provide for. At least with one's own children, one can offer some moral instruction (to make sure that, come the age of 20 or 21, the economic drain will end, as that person will stand on his own two feet). These strangers who demand we pay for them will of course not sit still as we explain our "rules" to them. They'll tell us to fuck off.
So they're to be permanent children, forever and ever.
Aren't we lucky. Our national family was just blessed with 80 million extra children we all now have to take care of until the day they die.
Second, from Mike Flynn's twittering of actual minutes of OWS meetings:
#ows mtg mins: "Would the ConEd jackhammer kindly wait until our meeting is over?"
Yes, please! Will you stop doing productive and necessary work, work that offers people heat and electricity, so that we might fuck about undisturbed with our new LARP we call Committee of the Whole?
Anyone see an underlying attitude about productive labor contained in those two statements?
Finally, this isn't really about that attitude, but check out Weasel Zippers' clip of the seven hand-signals these parasites use to communicate to each other where fresh carcasses might be found.
I have to post that, because "twinkles" and "down-twinkles" is going to be an internet catchphrase for a week or so and I want to be among the first on that train.