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October 13, 2011
Civil War: Jesse Jackson, Jr. Says Congress Is "In Rebellion," So Obama Has The Powers of a Tyrant, as Lincoln Did, To Quell the "Rebellion" and Suspend Democracy
Oh but everyone should be afraid of "Dominionists" or whatever the designated liberal hate-figure is this week.
Sedition, destroying democracy, declaring a "war" on fellow citizens who don't agree with the liberal agenda?
As many commenters here say, When a leftist starts making accusations against you, listen closely, because he's actually telling you his own plans.
“President Obama tends to idealize — and rightfully so — Abraham Lincoln, who looked at states in rebellion and he made a judgment that the government of the United States, while the states are in rebellion, still had an obligation to function,” Jackson told TheDC at his Capitol Hill office on Wednesday.
“On several occasions now, we’ve seen … the Congress is in rebellion, determined, as Abraham Lincoln said, to wreck or ruin at all costs. I believe … in the direct hiring of 15 million unemployed Americans at $40,000 a head, some more than $40,000, some less than $40,000 — that’s a $600 billion stimulus. It could be a five-year program. For another $104 billion, we bailout all of the states … for another $100 billion, we bailout all of the cities,” he said.
Now, my initial reaction was to blow this off as a "lefties say the darndest things" and "What if Bush did this?" and so forth.
Instapundit's taking this more seriously, and now that I think about it, he's right to do so. What Jesse Jackson, Jr. is suggesting is in fact "rebellion" and insurrection, a complete destruction of the Constitution in favor of a tyrant's rule towards socialist ends.
He should resign for this statement, which constitutes an abnegation of his oath of office
That's not nothing.
Thanks to Comrade Arthur, who tipped me earlier.