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October 11, 2011
Herman Cain: Obama's Not Really Black, You Know
Last week, I think, I was talking to someone, and the possibility of a Herman Cain/Barack Obama contest came up.
"It would be pretty amazing," this someone said. "Two black candidates for President!"
"One and a half," I corrected.
And then I noted that we'd be able to do something hitherto undreamed: We could actually play the race card.
We could actually call Obama and his supporters... Racist.
This thought amuses me to no end. I don't care if that's unprincipled or inconsistent or what-- I'm doing it, if it comes down to that. The left has such fun with the race card. It's about time we had fun, too.
It wouldn't be effective, mind you. The country isn't going for a "vote for the black guy" pitch in 2012. Kind of got burned on that in 2008.
But it would be fun.
Herman Cain thinks so too.
Ticking off ways he could compete with Obama, Boortz says that Cain would be able to talk about the black experience in America.
Cain’s response: “[Obama's] never been a part of the black experience in America.”
But for now, Cain says he's going after Romney.
In a radio interview just now, Herman Cain previewed his Tuesday night debate plan: “I’m going after Romney.”
"I’m not going after Perry. I don’t need to go after Perry," Cain said, per POLITICO's Juana Summers.
Romney's had a free pass for most of the debates. Perry tried to go after him in the last two, but bungled it and wound up whiffing.
Cain's had a free pass himself.
It would be interesting to see both of these guys tested. I would like to know who can handle the attacks and who's deft with attacks in turn.
Meanwhile: The Barack Obama Parkway opens in Orlando.
Mile and a half of road. $10.5 million bucks. 150 temporary jobs. Wonderful.