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October 11, 2011
Now They Tell Us: Bill Clinton Has A Photographic Memory
A fact that might have had some legal relevance in 1998, eh?
In addition to Clinton's many other talents, he is known for having a near photographic memory.
The term gets tossed around a lot, but to actually have the ability is quite rare. According to an article from the Washington Post, Clinton "stunned a friend visiting the White House by saying, 'Let's call your parents!' and then reciting a number he hadn't dialed in more than a decade." When Clinton spoke with Oprah about his autobiography, he said had no trouble remembering "what happened to everyone's children and grandchildren," a talent that came in handy while writing his life story.
And yet a talent which failed him entirely when questioned during a deposition.
I guess this post is a little off-base, because Clinton's claim wasn't that the forgot, but that he defined things differently than most people. Asked point-blank if he had ever been "alone" with Monica Lewinsky, he said, sworn to the truth, that he had not been.
When it was revealed he'd done all sorts of things with her, he said "I guess we were alone, but I never thought we were."
Just talking from personal experience-- people are generally alone when they're doing the Disappearing Cigar trick.
Thanks to Dave @ Garfield Ridge.