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October 08, 2011
Charlie "Oops My Taxes" Rangel Stirs Up The Draft Again
Why does Charlie do this? (warning Huffpo link)
Because he loves the Democrat dependency on class.
That's it.
In 2002, over a year into the Afghanistan War, a National Geographic-Roper study showed that 83% of young adults could not find Afghanistan on a map. It is not a stretch to say 83% might be capable of this were there a real and imminent possibility of them being sent there. How can we entrust ourselves with making the tough decisions of sending soldiers into harm's way if we do not even know the most basic facts of the conflict? How might Congress change their decisions concerning war if it were their sons and daughters being sent? In this day and age, there is a vacuum in the immediate and personal need for people to be concerned about these issues because they have nothing to lose -- no stake in the game.
In 1942, a far greater number of American men who volunteered to fight as a Marine or a Soldier, or a Sailor, had no idea where Guadalcanal was. Most had never heard of Midway, or Guam, and Hawaii was some pearl in the ocean on a postcard.
They signed up anyway. To defend America. They had no idea where they would go. They did have a distinct purpose. The nation called, and they answered the call.
As do our Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen do today.
It's not about where on the globe, you simpering tax cheat. It's about us, and them. They give of themselves to honor the nation.
Charlie Rangel was a soldier and served in Korea. He knows exactly what I'm talking about. To his eternal shame, he discards that valuable and honorable service to tear down the nation that he once carried a rifle to defend.
Shameful. But that's Charlie.
via WilliamA
posted by Dave In Texas at
06:38 PM
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