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October 07, 2011
9.1% Unemployment, The New Norm
Obama is a stuttering clusterfuck of a miserable failure. Let's get that right out there.
We’ve been within 0.2 points of 9% since January, sometimes a bit higher, sometimes a bit lower, but essentially going nowhere. Just like Tim Geithner predicted 18 months ago...
So when the Obama administration tells you things are “unexpected” or “worse than we thought,” remember that they’ve known exactly what would happen for 18 months. And they did nothing. Or at the least, they did nothing useful.
(bigger clickable pic at the link).
FIAF STORY BONUS: via Stacia, the tales of a modern day nomad. "I have single-handedly created two international incidents and have been an element of three others." I'm only up to Thailand so I don't know if the international incidents were in Afghanistan or Arkansas.

posted by Dave In Texas at
02:28 PM
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