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October 06, 2011
Perry: I Did Not Have Text With That Rock [@CuffyMeh]
In a Sisyphean effort, Gov. Rick Perry issues a flat denial:
“I think there were very much some strong inconsistencies and just misinformation in that story,” Perry told Fox News Channel reporter Juliet Huddy in an interview this morning. “I know for a fact that in 1984, that rock was painted over. It was painted over very soon, my family did that.”
“We painted over that rock and it stayed that way. I have no idea where or why people would say that they had seen that rock, because that’s just not the fact,” he added.
Video at the story.
And for the record? Democrats painted over a racist fossil for decades.
(you can follow me on Twitter at @CuffyMeh)

posted by Guest Blogger at
03:58 PM
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