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October 03, 2011
Borders Employees: "Good-bye, Cruel World!" [Moe Lane]
Permit me to sum up this rather long, rather whiny, and left-unfinished* screed by they'll-be-grateful-later-that-they're-nameless Borders employees: "We totally deserved to have our book chain go belly-up, and with it our hopes for gainful employment any time soon." Not that the site that gave me the link to said screed wasn't kind of whiny, too. In fact, it was a whinefest all around, frankly.
Regarding the political aspects of it all: I don't read partisan books, except when I've decided that doing so is conducive to my duties at RedState. But I have to say that the open contempt for 40% of the population was always noticeable when I went into a Borders. Which is one reason why I found myself moving more and more to online purchasing of books, and abandoned Borders completely when I no longer worked within five minutes of one.
But if a Barnes & Noble opens up in my area I'll probably start going to it. Because I like bookstores. But I'm there for the books, not the attitude.
Moe Lane
*You can tell that they had more whining to do, but they ran out of paper.

posted by Guest Blogger at
11:11 AM
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