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October 01, 2011
Alabama vs. Illegal Immigration [ArthurK]
Alabama just won a court battle allowing most of their new immigration law to take effect.
Here's a video and a story. I'd like to get all schadenfreudey on the illegals profiled in the video but it's sad. I have a heart. But I still want them out of the country. Sometimes you gotta do stuff that makes you sad.
On the other hand... if you are heartless this vid is a ball.
Here's a link to the video from ABC. (there's an ad in front). It's 99% one-sided on the feelings but it does get the facts out and lets you know what's going on. So it's a worthwhile watch.
"A crackdown so severe it's been described as the Arizona law on steroids...""We talked with one parent who pulled her nephew out of school today anyway. She's undocumented and didn't want to be identified. Tomorrow they're moving to California."
Son of a ...! I guess I'm hoist on by my own petard. Hey aliens, stop at Stuckey's and get me some pecan pie on the way.
And the news story.
"Hispanic students vanish from Alabama schools"
In Montgomery County, more than 200 Hispanic students were absent the morning after the judge's Wednesday ruling. A handful withdrew.In tiny Albertville, 35 students withdrew in one day. And about 20 students in Shelby County, in suburban Birmingham, either withdrew or told teachers they were leaving.
The question is always asked, "How are you going to remove 12 million undocumented?" Here's an answer - cut off the reasons they come here (jobs (via that online id check) schools)and they'll remove themselves.
Also, I tweet @ComradeArthur

posted by Open Blogger at
05:01 AM
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