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July 29, 2011
Conservatives Now Ready To Vote For Boehner + BBA Bill?
They seem to have the votes to do Boehner's two step plan, but now the second part of the plan involves the a Balanced Budget Amendment. It's "a" BBA because no one has agreed on the language yet.
At NRO there are arguments over whether this is tactically helpful. Some say that it's not -- this bill will be DOA, it is said, and then the Reid plan will take center stage.
Others say that this will increase the odds of a better final deal, giving Democrats the choice of either passing a BBA, or agreeing to further cuts.
White House Blinks? Heard Obama had put out word he'd accept a very short term deal to allow details to be worked out.
Here's the thing: If he can accept a weeklong deal, or an 18 month deal, um, why can he not accept a six month deal?