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July 21, 2011
No Memory or No Shame? [ArthurK]
I watched ABC network news for July 20th. They had a story on Bachmann's migraine kerfluffle. John Karl reporting - he said this.
"... common practice for more than a generation has been that presidential nominees from the major parties release extensive medical records going into their entire medical history..."
I don't have the vast resouces of ABC news. But from
memory I knew that Karl was full of beans. I didn't have to look anything up but, to have a nice link for you to click, I did a google search and
easily found
this.For contrast, McCain had a detailed release.
1500 pages in 1999.So I ask the assembled Morons - does John Karl have no memory or no shame?
posted by Open Blogger at
03:26 AM
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