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July 20, 2011
CERN Gags Its Scientists From Talking About Discovery Man Was Not Meant To Know
Update: "Bombshell:" Yes, Experiment Implies Small Changes In Cloud Cover Can Shift Temperatures A Couple of Degrees
No really. They were doing a test to see what function high energy particles (like, from the sun) might have on cloud formation. I think the theory is that such particles help form clouds, but don't hold me to that.
CERN's scientists are gagged from talking about their interpretation of the results of the experiment. To be clear, they are allowed to talk about the actual results and data.
But they can't interpret it, not publicly, at least.
Why? Well, cloud formation is one of the areas that global warming cultists don't understand. Whatever they have discovered will have some impact on the global warming religion.
So, of course, scientists are warned not to take their scientific interpretations public.
Because, Heuer says, “That would go immediately into the highly political arena of the climate change debate. One has to make clear that cosmic radiation is only one of many parameters.”
Seems to me pretty likely that something in this undercuts a claim of the global warming cultists, and they are being extended the professional courtesy of getting a heads up and delay of the findings of this experiment, to give them time to prepare.
And that's what science is, isn't it? Delaying findings so that your colleagues, caught in error, have lots of time to start getting their press releases together.
Thanks to Circa.
The Theory... First of all, there's a six-part video on this, lasting an hour.
Several people explain, but Miss Marple is the most detailed:
I assume this supports Svenmark's hypothesis. You can see the whole thing on a documentary on YouTube called "The Cloud Mystery," about an hour in 5-6 parts.
Basic theory: clouds are formed when cosmic rays hit the atmosphere. The more cloouds, the more cooling. When the sun is very active, it's magnetism draws cosmic rays to it rather than earth, resulting in less clouds and less cooling. When sun is inactive, more cosmic rays hit the earth, resulting in more clouds, more cooling.
And when we go through one of the dense star areas of the Milky Way, it doesn't matter WHAT the sun is doing, because the stars make lots of cosmic rays and overcome the sun, so we end up being very, very cold. As in Ice Age.
All nicely correlated with astronomers, geologic data, etc. Very interesting and makes sense to me.
So... we don't know for sure, but it looks very likely that this experiment confirmed parts of this cloud-formation theory and thereby, by implication, discredits global warming.
Bumping Update: Linking Canada Free Press, the findings are called "bombshell."
It does seem like the CERN experiment verified much of the Svenmark hypothesis.
Get ready for the next big bombshell in the man-made warming debate. The world’s most sophisticated particle study laboratory—CERN in Geneva—will soon announce that more cosmic rays do, indeed, create more clouds in earth’s atmosphere. More cosmic rays mean a cooler planet. Thus, the solar source of the earth’s long, moderate 1,500-year climate cycle will finally be explained.