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July 12, 2011
Liberals Ezra Klein, Joe Klein Are Lovin' McConnell's Proposal
Fat old f***.
Yeah, if they like it, then I don't.
The old, fat Klein makes the point that no one cares about the debt ceiling hike. At least, not the broad voting population.
I mentioned in a comment that McConnell had a similar scheme back in December 2009 as we were voting on ObamaCare. We could have forced the Democrats to remain in session through the holidays; instead, McConnell agreed to let them recess and come back, in exchange for a supposedly prominent vote on the 2010 debt ceiling hike.
Yeah, that wasn't as prominent as planned, was it? No one reported on it and it resulted in zero political benefit.
Plus, the media would have a reason to downplay these later votes that are supposed to be so "brutal" for the Democrats. They would claim the Republicans caved early and set up a rubber-stamp formality for the later votes, so the later votes are unimportant. And they'd have a point.
No deal.