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July 08, 2011
T-Paw: I'm Really Not Sure of What Michelle Bachmann's Legislative Accomplishments Would Be
Honestly, me either, and before you say "We don't want someone who goes to Washington to make deals and bring home pork!", well, that's a problem:
The federalist argument is also severely undercut by the fact that since joining the U.S. Congress in 2007, Bachmann has appropriated more than $3.7 million in earmarks. What is more, when Republicans sought an earmark moratorium, Bachmann pushed to exclude transportation projects from the ban.
I get that earmarks are part of the game here, and and I also get that earmarks only began to become politically poisonous around 2007-2008, and I also get that earmarks aren't the totally worst thing ever, and I also get that as a general matter politicians are not Simon Pure. As I always say, you can't act surprised to see some politics turning up in politics.
But I'm still scratching my head about the theory behind a Bachmann nomination. It seems odd to me that so many have gone so quickly from wanting some kind of executive experience to deciding that can be picked up entirely on the job.