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July 04, 2011
The Psychopath Test [ArthurK]
Jon Ronson has this great book (title of this post) about psychopaths and identifying them. Here's an extended excerpt. Do I really need to say read the whole thing? Ok, Read The Whole Thing.
You can also watch an excellent interview with Ronson on the Daily Show. Towards the end he reveals this tidbit.
"1% of the population, 25% of the prison population and 4% of corporate CEOs are psychopaths."
Here's a cute bit from his book (and the excerpt linked above)
Tony, the psycho, is being released from prison...
"What will you do now?" I asked.
"Maybe move to Belgium," he said. "There's this woman I fancy. But she's married. I'll have to get her divorced."
"Well, you know what they say about psychopaths," I said.
"We're manipulative!" said Tony .

posted by Open Blogger at
03:02 PM
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