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July 01, 2011
Remember, MSNBC hosts are allowed to call some presidents murderous fascists without consequence. But call Obama a "dick" and well buddy you've got problems.
That's the message they're sending and that's the message they intend.
The left is at least taking this with a sense of humor, and when I say "sense of humor," I mean "self-parody."
Here’s why Mark Halperin is a disgrace. It’s not because he used a mild obscenity to describe our president on Morning Joe, disrespectful as that was. Rather, it was the circumstances of the slur. Right now, the Republican Party is threatening to blow up the world economy unless Democrats agree to savage cuts in spending while refusing any of the revenue increases that all serious economists say are necessary to actually address the national debt. Obama, whose greatest fault in office has been a misplaced faith in the GOP’s capacity for reasonableness, went on television and chided the party for this stance. Apparently, this struck Halperin as unreasonable. His response embodies all that’s rotten and shallow about D.C.’s pundit class, which fetishizes bipartisanship even as it only demands it of one political party.
If you don't get what's wrong with that last sentence -- which does in fact read as true if you're not paying close attention -- is that she means the DC pundit class is too tough on forcing Democrats to be bipartisan, while giving Republicans free reign to make partisan attacks.
"DICK" by ExJon.