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May 13, 2011
Texas House Moves on Bill to Criminalize TSA Agents for "Touching in the Swimsuit Area"
Yeah, more Texas stuff, but I do love it that we've got a 2/3 R advantage here now, and you should love it enough to want one too. I believe this is a preliminary move, prior to an actual vote but it'll happen.
The proposal would classify any airport inspection that "touches the anus, sexual organ, buttocks, or breast of another person including through the clothing, or touches the other person in a manner that would be offensive to a reasonable person" as an offense of sexual harassment under official oppression.
Or in other words, all the things I ever wanted to do to a real woman that I never ever have.
Pardon me for a sec, I need a cigarette.
I believe 3 other states have passed or are in the process of passing similar measures. In an AP article I read this morning (I'd link but it's Friday night and I don't feel like it) there was a blanket assertion that these are a waste of time, "federal law supercedes any stupid state law" or words to the effect. I don't know, I'm not a lawyer.
I do know we're over-reacting toward "stupid", and under-reacting toward "prudent". That much I got. Even with just a Bachelors of Science from a nothing Texas college, where as much as I really wanted too, I only touched a real boobie in my Finance and Accounting II class, when I accidentally backed into a girl after handing in a paper and my shoulder felt the briefest, warmest sensation ever.
She was very tall. And it was awesome.

posted by Dave In Texas at
08:54 PM
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