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May 02, 2011
Twenty-Two, Not Five, Killed Or Captured In Raid
I think some of those captured may be a pair of Osama's wives and some of his nasty issue -- I kept reading that they'd been arrested.
The five we know about are the two brothers who were couriers and straw-owners of the property, Osama, one of filthy progeny, and one of his whore-wives, whom he cowered behind like a "Holy Warrior" as justice came a-gunnin'.
The rest? Dead? Alive? Family members? More high value targets?
Maybe some folks from Pakistan's government, chilling out with the man whose location they couldn't determine?
After bursts of fire over 40 minutes, 22 people were killed or captured. One of the dead was Osama bin Laden, done in by a double tap -- boom, boom -- to the left side of his face. His body was aboard the choppers that made the trip back. One had experienced mechanical failure and was destroyed by U.S. forces, military and White House officials tell National Journal.
It goes on to say the operation was executed by SEAL Team 6, which is a particularly cool team, in as much as its existence is denied. That's when you know you're badass, when no one will even admit you exist.
Supposedly this is a replica of a "challenge coin" passed by Black Ops troopers -- reading "I WASN'T HERE." That's not newsworthy or anything, that's just cool.
Intelligence believes that this Quivering Queen made one last of his YouTube lipsync tapes, like maybe "Friiiday" or something. That should be coming out.
Now, all of this was recorded. This future fundraising photo shows team Obama watching the SEALs' helmet-camera feeds; it's gripping enough that Joe Biden remains awake and alert.
There is no reason at all this video should not be released. Particularly if it shows this coward hiding behind his wife.
Now, I don't think that will sway the minds of many Islamists -- they seem to think women are only good for reproduction (but not pleasure-sex), slavery, and death, but who knows, maybe it would shock some of these people into taking a look at their ugly faces in the mirror.
By the way, Hamas, CAIR's favorite NGO, condemned the slaughter of this rotten pig, calling him a "holy warrior."
Holey, maybe. Ba-dum-dum. Pow-pow.
Pictures From The Scene of the Crime Mitzvah: Shabby and, now, bloody.
Oh Lovely: Arabs rioting in Jerusalem over bin Ladin's death.
I like when savages say things like "I support the indiscriminate killing of civilians!" Tells us know the proper ROE -- the targets have announced, by their own code, that they consider themselves ripe for threshing.
You want to stand with him, then we'll lay you down next to him.