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April 29, 2011
The Conspiracy Widens: FoxNews Reports Their Expert Says Birth Certificate Is 100% Genuine
I don't believe him. He doesn't have a psuedonym and a blog.
He said the layers cited by doubters are evidence of the use of common, off-the-shelf scanning software — not evidence of a forgery. “I have seen a lot of illustrator documents that come from photos and contain those kind of clippings—and it looks exactly like this,” he said.
Tremblay explained that the scanner optical character recognition (OCR) software attempts to translate characters or words in a photograph into text. He said the layers cited by the doubters shows that software at work – and nothing more.
“When you open it in Illustrator it looks like layers, but it doesn’t look like someone built it from scratch. If someone made a fake it wouldn’t look like this,” he said.“Some scanning software is trying to separate the background and the text and splitting element into layers and parts of layers.”
Tremblay also said that during the scanning process, instances where the software was unable to separate text fully from background led to the creation of a separate layer within the document. This could be places where a signature runs over the line of background, or typed characters touch the internal border of the document.
What would a forgery look like?
“I’d be more afraid it’d be fake if it was one in piece. It would be harder to check if it’s a good one if it’s a fake,” Tremblay said.
That's exactly what Nate Goulding, NRO's tech-guy, said, but we won't believe these guys, because they know what they're talking about.
This Market-Ticker guy, though. He knows. He knows. And also, the Kenyan Birth Certificate, signed by Dr. Color-Safe Tide, that's the real one.
And: Before I get more whines that I shouldn't be posting about this, that I should let people have their delusions rather than splitting the party -- fine.
Then how about I don't have to read about this batty bullshit in every thread?
If it's in a thread, then it's being put out to the public, and then I have the right/duty to call nonsense and made-up horseshit for what it is.
If it's some sustaining privately-held fantasy, fine, but then we don't have to keep hearing about this dopiness every ten minutes, either.