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April 25, 2011
Happy Easter From the White House Implications and Circumstances
Jay Carney laughs at reporters for chasing the big stories, like whether Prince Valium bothered to issue a statement on the holiest day on the Christian calendar.
He didn't, but Carney reassures us that his outing to church was "high profile" (i.e., telegraphed to the media as a photo op), so that should cover it.
Of course, Obama is fairly devout about issuing statements on religious holidays -- he's managed to commemorate all major Muslim holidays, for example. So shut up, Wingnuts.
Besides, his 2010 "Easter" statement seemed to go out of its way to be a non-Easter statement...
In 2010, Obama was criticized for releasing an all-inclusive Easter greeting. He reached out to Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and people of no faith at all in a statement about a holiday that is uniquely Christian.
... so maybe it's just as well he didn't bother.
Thanks to Drudge. It's like he's almost trying to lose it at this point, or maybe it's that he's finding the charade tedious and figures he can dispense with the pretense.
Filet O Fish Determined To Be Empty Calories: Useful Useless Idiot Oliver Willis continues earning 10% of the money Media Matters is paying him.
Thanks to Slublog for that. Willis' tagline is "Like Kryptonite to Stupid." Well, that's half true. Cut out the middle two words and you've got something.