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April 22, 2011
Andrew Breitbart: Ace of Spades Has The Best Commenters
No, really. You lot.
I was at his book signing yesterday in DC, at ATR (Americans for Tax Relief), for his new book, Righteous Indignation.
I spoke to him a bit. Here is the actual exchange:
Breitbart: "You have the best commenters on the internet."
Me: "I know, I hear that all the time." (Subtext: Stop complimenting other people and tell me something good about me.)
Breitbart: "Seriously, they're hysterical."
Me: "Mind if I quote you on that?" (Subtext: I'm funny too, you know.)
Breitbart: "No, go ahead, quote me. Actually, I usually don't even read the articles, I just go to the comments to, uh, see...."
Me: "To get a sense of the room?"
Breitbart: "Yes, to see how things are playing, what people are thinking."
Me: "Well, even though that's kind of a put-down [strained smile] I'll quote you on that too."
So, there you go: Breitbart reads you guys to get a sense of where the movement is heading.
He also, at the end, seemed to suggest some kind of plan to get you guys over on his site, but I'm not sure why he would think I would conspire with him on that.
By the way, I just put my last post into draft because it's long and has more of a "lazy Saturday afternoon long thinky-post" feel to it. I'll cut it some and post it tomorrow.
I also wanted to report a little more on the little bits of rumor I heard yesterday, but I really want to get this up before 5 pm. So I'm posting this part now; I'll do the other stuff later.
Added to the Dialogue: Yes, I'm going from memory, but most of it is actually accurate to the word. I forgot he did say "hysterical." I added that in.
And actually, this was the second time I'd heard this this very night (in a two hour span). Another guy (not a celebrity type) said the same thing.
I honestly do always hear this. Always. Usually the second thing after "I love your blog" or "It's the one I refresh fifteen times a day" (same thing) is the "You have the best commenters" line.