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April 20, 2011
Ouch: Wonkette Boycott Starts To Get Serious
I wanted to mention this earlier but seriously? They do this for attention. They put up this hateful shit just to get linked. Every leftwing website links them, and then every rightwing site does eventually too.
I don't want to mention them. So do I play their game? Nah.
I know that Nick Denton's sites appeal to some people. I guess Deadpsin is his, right? And isn't there a tech one? And the various girl-oriented gossip blogs?
The point is, a lot of conservatives are basically enabling this by going to those sites. Jezebel, the rest of them. Stop going. Not just to Wonkette, which is a relatively small cog in the Denton blog-machine. All of them. Get your celebrity gossip from some other site, and your tech stuff from wherever. But stop patronizing this man's vile sites. Correction: rori says Denton no longer owns Wonkette; I'm looking into that. He still owns the almost-as-vile Gawker, though, the one that did an article on Christine O'Donnell's bush. rori updates to tell me that POS Ken Layne apparently bought out the site and is now the owner.
Okay, that out of my system: There's a boycott on and Papa John's pizza is withdrawing advertising from Wonkette now.