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April 11, 2011
Boehner Makes New Promise: No Way Debt Limit Is Increased Without Reform
We have another chance to fight for deeper cuts; the 2011 budget was just the first one. Next we have the debt limit, and then the 2012 budget.
Boehner vows he won't pass a "clean bill," as Obama demands-- a "clean bill" just raises the debt limit without seeking any concessions or reforms.
Boehner says it'll be dirty.
Update: Does Obama Have Any Regrets? Sure. He Regrets He Didn't Vote "Present" More Often. Asked to explain the contradiction between President Obama (the debt limit must be increased) and soon-to-be-candidate Obama in 2006 (voting against such a rise, demanding the budget be, get this balanced), Jay Carney says Obama's new position is that he shouldn't have voted that way.